Intellistitch - The new way of Quilting.
4200+ Units Installed
Replacement Parts
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IntelliStitch Parts

When you place an order for multiple parts, we will consolidate them into the most compact box available. Any excess shipping charges will be reimbursed to you through PayPal. Any additional shipping charges will be invoiced through PayPal. Make sure your address is correct in PayPal before you complete your purchase. We ship to the address provided through PayPal. Our shipping process typically takes up to 3-4 business days with USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate or Ground depending on the parts. You will be able to locate your tracking number in your PayPal account.

Purchase Support

All of the IntelliStitch we installed are out of warranty but we still provide support to all of our customers and dealers. If you have a problem with your IntelliStitch please review all of our support documentation to find a solution.

If you need additional help you can purchase support here for $75/incident. Once you have your transaction ID you can submit a support ticket here:

/ per incident

IntelliStitch Turbo/Pro Replacement Main Board

IntelliStitch Turbo/Pro Replacement Main Board

(Old board must be sent back or the full price for the replacement board will be charged of $1050. An additional $600 will be billed if old main board is not returned within 2 weeks.)

+ $15.00 S/H
(*) denotes required

Black Switch

Black Switch
+ $4.75 S/H

Red Switch

Red Switch
+ $4.75 S/H

Replacement Switch Kit

Replacement Switch Kit
+ $9.25 S/H

Control Panel Front - 2 Button

Control Panel Front - 2 Button
+ $15.00 S/H

Control Panel Back - 2 Button

Control Panel Back - 2 Button
+ $15.00 S/H

Control Panel Front - 3 Button

+ $15.00 S/H

Control Panel Back - 3 Button

+ $15.00 S/H

Needle Encoder Board

Needle Encoder Board

(Blue sticker board)

+ $9.25 S/H

Needle Optical Encoder

Needle Optical Encoder
+ $9.25 S/H

X/Y Encoder Board

X/Y Encoder Board
+ $9.25 S/H

X/Y Optical Encoder

X/Y Optical Encoder
+ $9.25 S/H

Nolting Equalizer/CLX Repair/Replacement Board

Old board must be returned or an additional $600 will we billed.

Nolting Equalizer/CLX Repair/Replacement Board
+ $15.00 S/H

Nolting Equalizer Control Board (One)

Nolting Equalizer Control Board (One)
+ $9.25 S/H

Nolting Encoder Wheels

Nolting Encoder Wheels
2 for $25.00
+ $4.75 S/H

Encoder Wheel Rubber O-Rings

Encoder Wheel Rubber O-Rings
2 for $10.00
+ $4.75 S/H

Nolting High Viz Pattern/Hopping Foot

Nolting High Viz Pattern/Hopping Foot
+ $4.75 S/H

Nolting High Viz Pattern/Hopping Foot

Nolting High Viz Pattern/Hopping Foot
2 for $100.00
+ $9.25 S/H

EdgeRider Wheels for Gammill Quilting Machines

EdgeRider Wheels for Gammill Quilting Machines
+ $9.25 S/H

EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, New Style

EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, New Style

(Use the product selector on to find out the type of wheels you need.)

+ $9.25 S/H

EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, Old Style

EdgeRider Wheels for APQS Quilting Machines, Old Style

(Use the product selector on to find out the type of wheels you need.)

+ $9.25 S/H

Additional parts can be ordered from Nolting Manufacturing.